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Everyday Hiccups

My husband was laying on my lap, watching tv, when I got the hiccups. He didn't want to move, but my hiccups weren't stopping. It was nearly bedtime, and even with yawns coming in hard, my hiccups weren't stopping.

I tried to ignore the hiccuping, scrolling to find something to watch as we snuggled and got cozy for laying down. They weren't going to quit. Yawning deep, my hiccups just interrupted my yawns, echoing into a big hiccup burp. Oh goodness, my hiccups are HARD tonight!

Hiccups not showing any sign of slowing, I yawn as I try to encourage my husband to get the walks and tuck ins finished. He groans into my lap, not wanting to get up even though my hiccups keep bouncing his head. I laugh and motivate him by flashing my tits, just in time for my hiccups to stop. Haha! Woops! I didn't know that was how to cure my hiccups!

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