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BlackxRose92 Videos

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Flustered Up A Storm: EMNF Stripped In The Park video from BlackxRose92
Flustered Up A Storm: EMNF Stripped In The Park I like to do my cardio after my weight training when I'm finished with the gym. Will you be joining me for a jog in the park today, or are you just passing through? The storms aren't supposed to hit until after dinner time, definitely past dusk, and the sun is still out and shining, so we should have plenty of time for a nice walk after we jog through the park since you waited for me to get finished at the gym. I'm not sweaty or tired yet! Let me just grab my water and and retie my shoes, and we can get exercising. Hey, wait a second, do you see that cloud over there? It looks a bit funny, but it doesn't seem to be bothersome until suddenly my water bottle vanishes when it flashes a strike of lightning near me. Odd, but not entirely alarming. We can still go for our walk, but we'll just have to share hydration and keep an eye on the sky for dangerous weather and errant bolts of static. Hey, hold on, do you see that? Something looks off about those ominous clouds approaching. Nature seems a bit eerie suddenly. Is that cloud moving towards us faster now? Oh no, oh no! It's going to zap me! Ouch!!! My shoes! Now my socks, and even my shorts! They've disappeared! There's something very NOT normal about those weird clouds! That scary, swirling, thunderous black one seems to be trailing me now. What should I do? They say to get down in a ditch to avoid lightning, but it's following me! Oh my!!!! Now the strange storm has zapped off my clothes in a poof of electricity. I'm naked! Why, oh, why did I not wear panties and a bra today?!? I'm completely naked and in the middle of the public park! I don't even have my phone to call for help. Some friend you are! You're just standing there laughing. The least you could do is offer me your shirt!!! Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
The Mask Transformation Sequel video from BlackxRose92
The Mask Transformation Sequel Custom video: "Rose stirs awake, still dressed in her work clothes from the night before. She stretches and yawns, rubbing a hand on her face when her phone suddenly wakes her. “What the fuck, did I not even change…” she pauses, eyes widening as she brings her other hand to her face, grasping and pulling at her features before leaping out of bed and dashing to the mirror to check her face. After a tense scrutiny, she relaxes and lets go, letting out a sigh of relief. She sees the mask lying facedown in front of her and picks it up to inspect, “It was just a dream”, she laughs to herself in relief. Her phone beeps with a notification and she checks it out of curiosity. What she sees makes her realize she may not have been dreaming after all and brings a hand to her mouth in shock. A few weeks later, Rose is pacing back and forth in pajamas. “ I just don’t know, I could really use the money but..” She looks down at her bare feet, thinking about all the extra funds she made last time. “From what little I remember, becoming HER was not a pleasant experience” she says nervously. Quick memories of her prior transformation run through her mind as she continues to nervously pace while eyeing a certain mask. “ FUCK IT!” she exclaims. She tentatively reaches a hand towards it and picks it up. Holding it at arms’ length, that mesmerizing green glow crosses the interior of the mask, instantly erasing any doubt and uneasiness as she begins bringing it towards her face. Once within a few inches, the mask twists to life in her hands and lunges onto her face. The mask once again sprouts rubbery wooden tentacles, making loud and twisting rubber like noises as it swallows her. Groaning, she frantically begins grabbing at her face and the back of her head as the mask seals around her. Cut to a shot of her feet tensing and standing tip toe, then hard cutting to Rose grasping her warping head, She drops to her knees, shoving her fingers into the twisting eyeholes and tries to rip the mask off from there, stretching the material a few inches away from her face. “HEEELPPMEEEE!!” she begs before losing her grip and having the mask slam back on for good, fusing on tightly. Her body tenses oddly before throwing itself into a tornado, screams jumping several octaves as it tears around the room. After a few more seconds, the tornado screeches to a halt, unleashing The Mask once again, dressed in a pantsuit with her breasts bulging out of her blouse. “ I'm back babyyy!!” she exclaims, striking a pose. “This time we will SERIOUSLY BE SSSSMOKIN FOOTBOYS!!!” she exclaims as she leaps onto her bed with a bong in hand and feet crossed in front of the camera. She proceeds to film herself smoking, making crazy exaggerated faces while wiggling and spreading her toes and flexing her soles for the camera."
Overeating Binge In Bodystockings Leads To Bloated Burping video from BlackxRose92
Overeating Binge In Bodystockings Leads To Bloated Burping I'm all dressed up, and I've got all this food to eat. My plate is massive, and I'm got plans to join the clean plate club, several times over, today. The food is steaming, and I'm starving! Chomping down, I start stuffing my mouth with abandon. I eat and eat and eat and eat. First dinner, then more. The fridge is full and I've got leftovers that I'm going to devour. I stuff my mouth with giant bites from my fork, using my fingers to help scoop even more food on to stuff into my mouth all at once. It takes some stretching, but surely enough, my plate is emptied. I lick my fingers clean, sucking on the tips to get all the juices off. Setting my licked clean plate aside, I stand up and pat my bloated belly as I sigh and feel the burps starting to rumble in, but I'm not finished yet. I just binged on dinner and joined the clean plate club, but despite my swollen, bloated belly, I'm going to eat dessert. The entire rest of the pie is mine. I've been nibbling on it all day, and now I'm ready to chow down on what's left. Shoveling scoopfuls into my mouth, I scarf it down, relishing every bite. The sweet treat is sticky on my lips, so I wipe it off and lick my fingers clean, savoring the delicious dessert. My belly stretches as I continue eating, ever closer to an empty pie plate. The pan grows lighter as I heap more and more into my mouth, gobbling every last crumb of sugary sweetness. I eat and eat, growing closer to rejoining the clean plate club twice over with an empty dessert plate to match my dinner plate. Ohhh, I wonder how long after I stop eating will it take for the bloating to go down? Oh man, I'm so stuffed from dinner! I know I just ate all of that pie, but I think I'm going to eat the leftover cheesecake later too. However, my belly is still bloating! I groan and chug my water, watching my stomach distend further. This isn't even the furthest it can go though. It definitely has more room to stretch, and once I finish this, it will grow so much more....if I can finish my water, how much more will it expand? How far will my bloated belly grow? This inflation stretches and grows as I feel the burps start to gurgle up. I belch, but my belly only bloats more. Standing up, my belly visibly inflates even more, and you can see the bloating stretching out my bodystockings. All that food! My belly is distended and gurgling, but the gas just isn't coming out yet. I know it's going to start rumbling out any moment now in deep belches, or maybe even farts. I try to shift to get the burps out, but I have to really stretch before I feel any relief as burping turns to belching that shows my prominently swollen gut. After eating all of that dinner, and then the entire pie, it's no wonder that my tummy is full of gas, but the burps cause yawns. Oh I could take a deep snack-nap from this food belly-*YAWWWWWWN-BUUUUURPS* Eating all day long has left me so stuffed and struggling with my heavy bloated belly, unable to do little but sit and belch. I pat my gut, trying to jiggle loose more of the gas pressure, but only a few tiny burps come out. I have to get on my hands and knees to stretch the rest of the burps out, but when I stand up to check, my bloated belly is still round and tight, pushing at the seams on my bodystockings as I continue burping and burping. Full length Parts 1-4 Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
A Shrinking Sci-Fi Adventure In Space video from BlackxRose92
A Shrinking Sci-Fi Adventure In Space Astronaut Rose is off to the outer limits of the multiverse to explore everything she can find! Nowhere is too far, with just a few clicks to the communications back on home planet, wormholes and portals can take her anywhere she needs to go. Where will she find herself on this most recent expedition to a newly discovered organic planet that sustains life? Will she find potential for new colonies of humans, or will she find danger around every corner? The comms respond affirmative, and she prepares for a portal to open up a wormhole in the time continuum stream. Drop in is slow, and holding her pace steady is tricky, but she's a well seasoned space captain and has navigated far worse. Rose guides her way carefully through the wormhole stream, counting down her launch until the next portal opens up. This new planet has only been spotted through satellites, never seen in person. She will be the first. Organic life and oxygen rich atmosphere is immediately confirmed on landing. Rose's suit starts pinging off the charts with positive readings, indicating she should take as many samples as possible. Except, Rose is far from the biggest life form on this planet. Suddenly, everything begins to take shape around her as the wormhole portal fades...... Rose is tiny! This shrinking sci fi astronaut is in for the surprise of her life as she has to quickly find a way off this fragile planet and back home when everything around her is gigantic. Will she return with promising samples for propagating life and plants on earth, or will she flee desperately, escaping with barely her spacesuit in tact and a failed mission? . . . But more importantly, where will Rose go next? . Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
Tinkle Treats: Baking Glazed Tinkledoodles video from BlackxRose92
Tinkle Treats: Baking Glazed Tinkledoodles Custom video: "I was thinking of the cookies that you made in the pissy baker video. I just found it interesting and thought a fresh batch of cookies made like that would be delicious. Snickerdoodle cookies made with an extra special ingredient for the true fetish connoisseur. " Made fresh in my kitchen, and packed almost hot, these delicacies will be glazed with a one of a kind icing to satisfy only the kinkiest of tastes. Baked naked, except for oven mitts and an apron for safety, these cookies will be served so fresh they practically came right from the oven! From my hands to the box, directly to your kitchen, every ingredient of these cookies was mixed by hand and baked with care. You'll enjoy watching me bake, but it's the divine dessert that will keep you drooling and coming back for more from the cookie jar. These tinkletreats were so fresh when they arrived, that the aroma of warm cookies was mouthwatering! To ensure these tinkledoodles were infused as completely as possible, they got the full pissy baker treatment which included a chilled sit in the fridge after a generous, direct infusing of the main ingredient, and another addition of the pissy baker's favorite ingredient in the form of a sweet, sugary nectar, glazed icing drizzled with abandon on each cookie. All of the pissy baker's unique golden splash was added directly during the baking process so that each tinkletreat was fully mixed, leaving every bite precisely seasoned with decadent me. Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
GF's UnFARTunate Vore Wager video from BlackxRose92
GF's UnFARTunate Vore Wager Custom video: "You and I are watching a football game. We are not dating, but we are interested in each other. You’re very competitive and both of our teams are rivals and our playing against each other. You fart accidentally and say that it’s because of the food we’re eating. You keep farting and eventually get the idea that if your team wins, I must go out on a date with you and you’re allowed to fart freely on the date. If I win… well that doesn’t happen in the video, so it doesn’t matter what that is. Your team wins, you fart throughout the whole game, and you let out a huge fart that goes over the buzzer that announces the end of the game. The video ends with you planning our date. You eventually get the idea that we should have a bet, and that if you win, you get to eat me, and if I win, I get to have sex with you. You try to sway me with the idea of the bet by saying something like that there’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll get laid out of this and a 50/50 chance that I’ll clog the toilet. I take decide the bet and you’re thrilled. Throughout the game, it doesn’t look good for my team. You fart here and there throughout the football game and nonchalantly comment on how that will be me if my team doesn’t start doing better. You talk about that all the food makes your farts smell and that you’re sure that I’ll make them smell even worse than that. I get more and more scared throughout the game. The game finally ends, and you tell me to watch this while the last few seconds of the game are going on and you fart over the final buzzer of the game and say that it’s over. I try to beg and plead my way out of you eating me, but you are not convinced. You swallow me and burp loud. You spend a few minutes taunting me as you lick your lips, but end up swallowing me quickly in the end. Your belly is stuffed, and soon there will be many many more burps and farts to come."
The Stuffed Secretary's Day Off video from BlackxRose92
The Stuffed Secretary's Day Off Oh yes it's my day off! The boss sent me pizza to say thank you for working late last night, and every other night, but there's no way I'm letting this get cold. I'm eating while it's hot! My phone hasn't gone off all day, and surely I'd have received a call or something by now if the office needed me to come in again, or my boss would just text me personally. Freshly showered, but my hair is wet and up in a bun, and I'm wearing glasses and pajamas while I stuff my face and mouth full of food. I eat so much, that I've visibly stuffed myself as my pajamas are now distended around my bloated belly, but I'm showing no signs of stopping. Not until I get to the last three slices of still steamy hot pizza do I consider pausing, but I shrug it off as I decide there's no point in taking up fridge space with only three left, so I just eat them all. Just as I'm lazily munching on the last crust of the last slice of pizza does my phone begin to thrum a steady vibration of pings and buzzes as I'm chewing with my cheeks full of food... Oh no.....he does want me to come in to the promotional dinner after all? Oh... Hours later, I'm back, but my hair has been let down and a mess all over the place. Despite eating all of the promotional lunch, appetizers, dinner, and the desserts after, my red lipstick is still perfect. My clothes are disheveled, my hair is mess, and I just cannot stop belching. My bloated belly is so tight in my skirt suit and pantyhose that I struggle to get it unzipped, but I grunt and moan as I wiggle it down far enough to breathe, which makes me yawn and burp even more. I've eaten so much today! My boss keeps giving me all this food, and I just can't say no. Ohhhh, why did I *BURPS* eat so much? Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
Kinky Wife Life: Jerk Off On Your Day Off video from BlackxRose92
Kinky Wife Life: Jerk Off On Your Day Off It's your day off and I want you jerking it as often as possible, husband. Today you're going to sit around and do nothing but watch the porn I posted for you while you jerk off continuously. Your day off is going to be spent on a masturbation marathon binge, but first I'm going to film this video and then go fuck your brains out. Oh yea, while I'm filming this right now, stripping, teasing, spreading my pierced pussy, and encouraging you to jerk off all day tomorrow, you're in our bedroom right now. You're probably playing video games, right? Go ahead, enjoy your quiet time because in about 10 minutes, I'm going to straddle you and ride you until your cock begs for a break. This way I know you'll be watching my porn and jerking off to me all day tomorrow. When you see me walk into the bedroom dressed like this in 10 minutes, demanding to fuck, you're going to drop your pants and fuel your mental spank bank material for tomorrow. You'll watch this video, along with all those hot, slobbery face fucking videos that I posted for you, and then you're going to spend hours jerking off and cumming, again and again. You're going to remember how fucking hot it was when I rode you like this, and then you're going to keep stroking it, only pausing long enough for water breaks and to text me. I hope your balls are ready for this mega draining marathon, because my pussy is feeling greedy as fuck tonight and that's exactly what we're going to do to get you prepped for your day off. Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
The Housewife Transformation video from BlackxRose92
The Housewife Transformation Rose is at a special dance night at her favorite club. She's been looking for a few quick hookups, but her lifestyle has led to difficulty finding other singles her age that haven't already settled down. Rose has no interest in commitment or marriage, and she's definitely not into some jobless loser that lives in his mom's musty basement. She's very fond of her high activity, no responsibilities, party all the time life, until something clicks. A few sips and it's like her biological clock starts to interfere with the lighting. Maybe it's the party, or maybe you accidentally swapped drinks with her. One moment Rose is laughing at you for asking if she'd hook up, and the next minute her ladylike facade is fading. Rose was teasing you with flashes, showing off her lack of panties and what she wasn't going to give you, and then she suddenly lets out a massive belch! Rose starts to sway, and her eyes go blurry. She dances and slurs, then openly flirts with you and flashes her hairy bush and pierced pussy! Rose is in a blurry state of brazen sexual prowess, unladylike belching (and.....oh my, was that even a fart?!), and then slipping back into a echo of her natural self absorbed state. Only a few more minutes and then Rose will be giving into the exploding demands of her biological clock as she goes home with you..... A month later, Rose is still on your couch. No longer in her own clothes, Rose is in dirty, borrowed pajamas. She's given up on high clean, party girl lifestyle of the past. She is now completely comfortable, bloated, and lets loose at whim. She's sprawled on the couch and eats aimlessly. A few years go by and things stay the same, only the dirt gathers thicker in wads of dusty layers as Rose never cleans. She's even gotten pregnant a few times! No previous feelings of maternal instinct, Rose now lets you impregnate her whenever nature takes its course. She appears to be a slob whether pregnant or not, and when she's just about to pop as she's so heavily pregnant she could go into labor at any moment, she belches, scratches her ass, and then reminds you to wash your balls for sex night..... Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
Nerdy Housewife To Goth Babe Transformation video from BlackxRose92
Nerdy Housewife To Goth Babe Transformation Custom video: "Rose Black is a nerd getting ready for a date when something strange comes over her, a transition with personality change, gradual makeup and possibly big hair. She has the sudden urge to turn goth that she cannot control. At first, she thinks she just wants to wear dark things and talks about what dress to change out of...but no...she needs more.... Something is compelling this transition. An erotic **** outside of herself is causing Rose to transform in front of your eyes. Slowly, she pulls down her hair, flipping it involuntarily between transformation fluctuations, and caresses her body as her personality changes from nerd to a dark sexbomb, with the physical changes leading the personality change. The erotic magic coursing through her body fuels her metamorphosis completely. She plays with her hair, eyes fluttering, and comes up with gothic makeup and ready to fuck her new date who has been watching the whole time. Her change is surprising and all encompassing, even her manicure and pedicure are now all black! She flips her hair, and even headbangs! Rose isn't just a quiet housewife anymore. Now she is ravenously horny, confidently sexy, and ready to fuck. In one sweeping change, Rose is no longer the passive, submissive woman she was before. Content with staying home for date night as she actively cancels your plans in favor of her own, Rose now insists on some deviously kinky and very naughty behavior that she insists you remove your pants immediately for. The once mild mannered nerd is now a take charge dominant that demands sex as she commands you to strip and prepare for a wild night of adulterous fucking. She's hardly finished with the transformation when she brazenly displays her arousal and states her intentions of fucking you for the entire rest of the night. There's no escape for you from your new, sexually charged wife. Housewife be gone, in her place is an insatiable goth babe!" Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
The Edging video from BlackxRose92
The Edging Sometimes, despite my best efforts, it seems everything is stacked against my orgasm. With a plethora of reasons to deny pleasure, my mind and vagina like to team up to cause me endless torment. After a week of edging I could burst! It's been a month of unsatisfying sex and displeasing masturbation, surely something will go right!

Alas, a last ditch attempt after a custom video has me edging with no end in sight. Blame it on my hormones, blame it on bad sex, blame it on pubic hair! It doesn't matter what the cause is. It matters that I have the alone time and fodder needed for a successful orgasm. Too much stress?! No point in trying to cum!

No, this is more delicate than that. Everything needs to be PERFECT. Everything needs to be clean and every errant thought needs to be corralled and controlled for later inspection. All conscious thought needs to cease in order for orgasm to be reached, but it's not always that simple. Sometimes it goes deeper than just "shutting off and going for it. I've set the stage, but no victory will be had. Not yet. This will lead to much sexual frustration, pillow punching, and wall pounding. Take your fists to the door, it won't matter! Just edge with me, edge and hold me until the time is right. Edge your orgasm and then back off quickly. Get it right there and then forget about cumming. It's not happening yet.

You'll have to wait. I'll have to wait. The time isn't right yet. But that build up will keep mounting. It will keep growing. That sexual frustration will grow untamed until the time is right and it explodes in one gushing torrent, but that time isn't now. I can squirt without orgasm, but only time will give me the leg shaking release that I need."
Short Order To Go video from BlackxRose92
Short Order To Go Custom video: "You live in a world where tiny men live alongside regular sized people. You’re a giantess to these tiny men. You just finished overeating/stuffing your face with food from your favorite restaurant that you got to-go. you’re overstuffed full bloated and burping. You’re rubbing your full gut burping and belching when you notice me/my pov, a tiny man yelling from your food bag. We talk. While we do (throughout the video) your burps interrupt me and yourself so you’re saying excuse me/trying to be polite. I say I was eating lunch with some tiny friends of mine at the place where you got your food from when I somehow accidentally fell in your bag, and got pinned underneath one of your plates, it was too heavy to lift off me. You kind of tease, bully, me about how embarrassing it must be to get stuck under a plate. tell you as I fell i saw my friends fall in your bag too. I ask where they are, You tell me I’m not going to be seeing them again because they’re all at the bottom of your stomach buried under all the food you stuffed in your gut. you explain that you pushed me and all my friends in your bag of food because you wanted to eat us as appetizers. You pick me up and you humiliate/tease/bully me by comparing all tiny men to food— we’re small enough to be eaten and we’re delicious so that means we’re food. You humiliate us by saying you cant even taste my friends when you belch all you taste is the food you ate on top of them. That literally proves that there’s no difference between us and food if we’re not LESS than that. You eat me. You rub and grope your full belly afterwards and belch talking about how you still can’t taste me over all the food in your gut. "

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